
Nurturing is devoted to the art of Doing! 


I strongly believe that any amount of knowing needs a healthy dose of doing in our lives to bring the best possibilities to light and life. 


How much do you allow yourself to nurture and be nurtured by relationships, resources, and occupations that you choose?


Click below for ideas of doing better and doing more of what you choose.



Relationships have always been at the center of my life. I believe in nurturing the external relationships we choose to have and also nurture our internal relationship with our true inner self! How do internal and external relationships work? Let’s explore some ideas together.


Resources were indispensable to put my intentions into reality. Be it time, money, or energy, we learn to harness these to survive and thrive in this world. Could we master the ability to use them wisely when we put more effort? Let’s look at some ideas to gain more from less!


As most people do, I have occupied considerable portion of my life making my living, doing jobs. I would like to explore the possibilities of bringing back much more for ourselves than just money for doing the job! And could we contribute more than what we are paid to do? Let’s Explore!